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FS Crop Specialists work diligently each day to maximize their customers' crop potential. That includes getting the most out of crop inputs like herbicides and fungicides. 


But how do you know if your inputs are working to their highest potential, given all of the varying conditions that can happen at application time? That is the benefit of adding an adjuvant to your crop protection program. 

Download the FS Adjuvant catalogue, right here!

Here are three things to know when using adjuvants:

Why use an adjuvant?

Adding an adjuvant helps maximize the effectiveness of the crop protection products you use. And, beyond efficacy, adjuvants help you manage environmental risks like drift and off-target movement.

Choosing the right adjuvant 

Adjuvants are formulated to address specific local conditions that might hinder the efficacy of the crop protection product. And they are specifically approved for use with certain crop protection products, which you will always find in the label information

Managing your risks

FS Crop Specialists and Custom Applicators are constantly in training to familiarize themselves with the newest application guidelines and the proper adjuvants to use with the various crop protection products. They have access to an extensive list of the latest crop protection and adjuvant choices. They are experts in matching up these products for farmers’ specific needs.

Download the FS Adjuvant app.

Assists you in following proper tank mixing sequence of crop protection products. Captures product use rates and application information with mix sheets. Conveniently maintains accurate spray logs for easy record keeping. 





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